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Writer's pictureTaba Fiji

Your life; your choices - Live!

Updated: Mar 1, 2019

Glass half empty? Glass half full? Illusions or myth?

Some things happen in our lives that make us question everything. Sometimes, when we’re in a jam and life seems way too narrow; when all you can think of is how you’re going to survive yet another trial; when you just can’t seem to understand why you “fell” in the first place.

Just stop.

Don’t think.

Don’t cry.

Just stop.

Now breathe.



Do it again.

Now do it again.

There are some things we catch ourselves doing which may seem totally stupid.

Sinful even.

You doubt yourself. 

Other people do.

They all point.

They all talk.

They all say how shocked they are that you did this. You begin to crumble under the weight of their accusations. 

You begin to feel threatened and low. 

You begin to feel it in your heart that you may have mucked up your life this time around. That there is no climbing out of this one alive.

You will never be able to hold your head up high again.

You’ve lost your reputation with your family.

You’ve hurt them to the core.

You’ve lost it all. 

Yet, you were only doing what you thought was best. Did they not see this? Did they not understand that your heart makes decisions for you? That because you cared and loved, you committed to something you weren’t prepared for?

No one understands.

Sometimes, even YOU don’t understand.

It feels right yet its wrong on so many levels.

An unpardonable wrong?


S T O P R I G H T T H E R E.


Don’t give up on yourself and on your heart.

Don’t let popular opinion move you.

Don’t let what others say or do move you.

Your life matters.

The life you are impacting MATTERS.

You may NOT see it now, BUT BELIEVE ME, you will UNDERSTAND why you got into the situation LATER.

You will look back and one day understand why you did what you did; JUST HOLD ON.

It reminds me of a dark, moonless night. No stars are out. The air is still. The sea is pitch black. There is NOTHING with life out there. Except for the silver tinges of the calm, calm sea. Aaaah there is life. There is light. Beneath all the mess; amidst all the mud and yucky glue-like mess you’re in – there is a light, there is a purpose.

Hold on. 

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